Stay in Alignment!

Father wants to put you into the proper place in the Body, where you not only fit but where you will be completely fulfilled in His presence.

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Everyone has probably had the experience of what it feels like to have a bone in your body out of joint. Anyone who’s had this experience can realize that it isn’t pleasant. In the Body of Christ, to have one of us not operating from the proper place in the Spirit realm can be just as painful to the rest of the Body.

The Holy Spirit has a special place for every single believer to operate from, and others within the Body to be linked with, just like in a natural body certain bones and ligaments are put together with one another to form a special bond, that works together for the good of the whole, and as those ones operate together in the Spirit realm, the rest of the Body can benefit from it.

How often do we find ourselves attempting to be an eye in the Spirit realm when our actual function is as an ear! This happens because We lack the understanding from the Holy Spirit, of where we fit inside this vast living organism called the Church (or the Body of Christ) which we are all members of. Many don’t know their function, so they are looking for positions instead, and because of this they try to be something that they aren’t in the Body. 

Because of our lack of understanding on a personal level, we try to fit into places where we don’t function properly, and often as a result we find ourselves OUT OF JOINT, we get discouraged and experience rejection or Burn Out as a result. 

Father wants to put you into the proper place in the Body, where you not only fit but where you will be completely fulfilled in His Presence. You’ll be celebrated not just tolerated. If you feel as if you’re out of alignment this morning, press into the Presence of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal (not only your place in the Body), but also your niche. If you stop seeking a Position and start examining your function you’ll find the place where the Grace of God begins and your frustration Ends!

As you seek Him in these areas you’ll find yourself being repositioned into proper alignment with Him as well as the others in the Body as well. The eye cannot say to the ear I have no need of you! Let the Gift that you are Make room for itself!




Featured Image by Georgina Yuste from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!