
When I stopped trying to figure things out on my own and quit trying to make things work in my own strength, I found myself flowing with the Holy Spirit like never before.

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Recently, as I was praying, the Lord spoke to me in such a clear way. He just said one word to me, “statement”. As the Lord continued to speak to me about this, I knew this was a message I was supposed to relay to others in the body of Christ regarding this season.

God’s desire for each of us is for our lives to be a reflection of Him. The Lord wants to make a statement in our lives and through our lives as believers. As the Lord gave me this word, the first scripture that came to mind was Ephesians 6:10. In the Passion Translation, it says, “Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of His explosive power flowing in and through you.” God wants to do an explosive work in you so that He can do an explosive work through you. As a son or daughter of God, your life is called to make a statement for the Kingdom of God. Your purpose is to be an echo of what Heaven is saying and a vessel that can release the Kingdom of God into the earth.

Many times, we battle with fear, struggle with insecurity, and can feel inadequate to do what God has called us to do or walk in what He has for us. However, if we want to be used by God we must live in reckless abandon to God’s ways and what He has spoken over our lives. We must forsake our natural thinking and instead of being led by our emotions, walk in faith. When you surrender your entire life to be who God has called you to be and what God has called you to do, fear can no longer hold you. It is our faith in Jesus Christ, moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, and knowing what God has promised us that will make our lives a statement of who God is and of His limitless power. Your life needs to make a statement that God can do the impossible and can use anyone completely consecrated to Him to do it!

Over the past few years, I’ve grown with the Lord so much. My personal relationship with him has grown but also, I just began allowing God to flow through me. When I stopped trying to figure things out on my own and quit trying to make things work in my own strength, I found myself flowing with the Holy Spirit like never before. When I got out of the way and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow through me, everything started to shift. All of the prophetic words God had promised to me started manifesting. So many doors started opening for me that I couldn’t walk through them all. There was a time in my life when I used to pray for just one open door. But then suddenly, I found myself in a season where I no longer needed to pray for an open door but instead what doors God wanted me to go through. This can also happen for you, my friends. This is a season where if you will allow the Lord to completely take over your life and surrender your own desires to Him, He will make a statement through your life.

We are called to manifest the Kingdom of God in the earth and as long as we’re operating with a natural mindset, trying to figure things out and make things happen on our own we will remain stuck and unfruitful. However, when we allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives, He will flow in us and through us so that our lives become an overflow of His presence and power.

In this season, God is going to open doors for you. Do not hesitate to walk through any door you know that the Lord has opened for you. Don’t worry about how the prophetic promises God has given you will come to pass and don’t try to make them happen on your own. Instead, lean into the Lord, flow with the Holy Spirit, and know that God will provide whatever you need to do everything He has called you to do. You may not feel qualified, you may think you don’t have the finances, you may even feel like you don’t have the right people around you to accomplish everything the Lord has told you He wants to do in your life. Friends, you can trust that if it is God’s will for your life and you are walking closely with Him, He will make a way where there seems to be no way every single time. For the rest of my life, I have determined that my life will make a statement for the Kingdom of God. Will you do the same? May our lives in this season be a portal for the Kingdom of God to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In this season, God is looking for people who will say yes and partner with Heaven’s agenda. Answer that call and let the Lord make a statement in and through your life!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joe Joe Dawson

Featured Image by jplenio from Pixabay

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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.