Sounds In the Quiet Place 

Passionate pleadings are heard by the Intercessor who is seated at the right hand of our Father in heaven; Jesus Christ.

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There is a place in the Spirit called the quiet place.  Many times the silence is so overwhelmingly peaceful it’s like a blanket of protection from everything that would try to drown it out.  Other times the quiet place takes us deeper to where the Spirit of God groans, interceding on our behalf in ways we are not even aware.  Those passionate pleadings are heard by the Intercessor who is seated at the right hand of our Father in heaven; Jesus Christ.  

Jesus hears and understands every groan, twenty-four hours a day he goes before our Father petitioning the groaning on our behalf.  

We are being called to a season of surrendering and aligning ourselves with the groaning of the Holy Spirit deep in the quiet place where God lives in us.  

Early this morning I was awakened to Jesus kneeling before me. He had a stethoscope placed on my stomach.  He was listening to something in my belly.  

“Listen to this.”  Jesus placed the ends of the stethoscope in my ears keeping the other end on my belly.  

“What do you hear?”   

Quietly I listened to what sounds like someone painfully groaning.  “Groaning?”

Jesus elated responds, “Yes!”  

“What is that?”

He places his hand on my stomach and explains, “It’s like birth pains, it’s the sound of your longings for the fullness of what I have for you. Now listen again, go past those groans, go deeper, and tell me what you hear.”

In the quiet I listen, hearing the groaning in my heart, suddenly the quiet goes to a deeper place and I hear groaning that is not my own.  “What is that?”

Jesus encourages me, “Shhh, listen to the deep groaning of my Spirit in you.”

I close my eyes and try to focus on the sound coming from the stethoscope. 

Past the groaning of my heart, I hear a deep moaning sound. 

“Jesus what is that sound, way down deep.”

He pulls the hearing device from my ears, draws me to him, and whispers in my ear, “That is my Spirit in you, passionately pleading on your behalf our Father’s perfect plans and your destiny.”

I lean my head against his chest.  As I rest in his arms deep in the quiet place of Jesus’ heart I hear the same passionate pleading.  

I gaze up at Jesus, He nods and pulls me close.  I listen to his groaning.  

As I lay against his chest, in his embrace listening to his groaning on my behalf I wonder, “Who could ever separate me from this endless love of God?” 

Jesus whispers, “Absolutely no one.”

“God, the heart-searcher.” God searches our hearts not just to uncover what is wrong, but to fulfill the true desire of our hearts to be fully his. Grace triumphs over judgment.

As God reveals his deep callings, come into agreement, and rest in the truth that He is in control.  These next few days, spend time establishing that quiet place where your thoughts align with his, even if it is just groaning down deep.  This is the place where joy abounds, peace abides, love is unending.  Our God is good! 

God Bless you Body of Christ. 

Romans 8  


Featured Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash



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About the Author

William Cuccia is a Kingdom Winds Contributor who loves to write what he hears when he listens in the quiet moments.