September’s Light Setting the Stage for October’s Fight Against Darkness

The battle is won in worship, humble worship.

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“September will be brighter than ever with enormous exposure, October will be darker than ever. The light will push back the darkness.”

A lighthouse flashes a bright light in a sweeping two hundred and seventy-degree direction. Upon taking a closer look the lighthouse is Jesus standing with what looks like a flashlight shining in the direction of September.

The entire month of September is illuminated with light. Exposing what is hidden in darkness, the hearts of men are revealed. It’s sobering, as the light hits my heart I see so much darkness, falling to my knees I see that the light coming from Jesus right hand of righteousness

The Spirit of God is illuminating from Jesus’ hand, He points His hand in a direction and the Spirit shines in the darkness, revealing truth. Jesus the rock stands in a strategic position able to expose the light of His Spirit where ever it needs to push back darkness revealing truth.

My heart aches as I see the darkness in my heart exposed, judgments against so many others. The warmth of His Light, the Spirit of truth ministers to my heart with a level of mercy I do not know or understand, I acknowledge it and receive His merciful forgiveness.

Kneeling in the Light my heart praise my Savior for His kindness toward me. The Spirit reveals the month of October is filled with darkness, like thick black crude oil. It appears impenetrable. A wall of darkness blocks the month of October.

People come along and kneel forming a wall of humility and repentance. An army set free and set apart to be positioned.

As the time approaches closer to Rosh Hashanah (September 18) more people arrive, they all begin to pray. The Light of the Spirit illuminating from Jesus right-hand pushes back the wall of darkness that is October.

The prayers of the saints fuel the Light of the Spirit pushing back the darkness.

The resistance is twofold, one is a spirit of religion, fighting to hold its position and perceived prestige, this spirit is enraged toward the Light of the Spirit revealing hidden agendas and motives. The second is a spirit of rebellion, fighting and resisting to hold onto perceived control and power. As much as these two spirits attempt to join forces to resist, the Light of the Spirit joined with the prayers of the saints drive back the darkness in October.

The battle is won in worship, humble worship. Lifting up the Name of Jesus, seeking His heart to turn the Light of His Spirit in the direction needed to drive back the darkness. Joining forces in prayer, declaring the truth of His word and lifting up His Name, Jesus again and again. Waiting in His presence, beseeching Him, devoting time to press in and lift up worship.

This time of being set apart as a time to seek Him and the truth of His Spirit.

September is the time to receive the comfort and the counsel of the Spirit, to receive His guidance and teaching, to be led by the Spirit without being in a hurry. It’s not a religious exercise but a devotion to relationship with our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit which empowers the Truth.

There is a massive wall of believers kneeling side by side, the battle is being won on our knees as we lift up the Name of Jesus together. There is resistance but there is also progress. The thick sludge of darkness is slowly but surely giving way as the light goes out from the Righteousness of God, Christ Jesus.

I hear, “I am preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies.”

The line of kneeling believers stand as one and walk march toward the darkness being lead by the Light of the Spirit.

“The word of God becoming a light to a path and a lamp to our feet.” The darkness is giving way, crumbling before our very eyes as believers march forward together in the Power of the Spirit and the Truth of God’s Word.

I hear the Name of Jesus rising as the believers march forward in Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

September and October are pivotal months, opportunity to drive back the darkness by the Power and the Light of God’s Spirit.

The splendor light of heaven’s glorious sunrise
is about to break upon us in holy visitation,
all because the merciful heart of our God is so very tender.

The word from heaven will come to us
with dazzling light to shine upon those
who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow.
And he will illuminate the path that leads to the way of peace.” Luke 1.78-79 TPT


The Wall of Prayer, a New Standard will be established. In November new ground will be taken and established by the Spirit of God.



Featured Image by Yann Allegre on Unsplash


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About the Author

William Cuccia is a Kingdom Winds Contributor who loves to write what he hears when he listens in the quiet moments.