THE DEPOT PODCAST: Five Ways to Grow in Your Faith in 2022

In today’s episode, Erin discusses the word the Lord has given her for 2022, “Growth.” As Christians, we should continually be growing and maturing in the Lord. We shouldn’t strive to increase the size of our faith, but to grow in our faith by being deeply rooted in Christ and His Word.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
THE DEPOT PODCAST: Five Ways to Grow in Your Faith in 2022




In today’s episode, Erin discusses the word the Lord has given her for 2022, “Growth.” As Christians, we should continually be growing and maturing in the Lord. We shouldn’t strive to increase the size of our faith, but to grow in our faith by being deeply rooted in Christ and His Word.

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About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.