TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Prophetic Word – Don’t Be Stuck in Transition

It is my desire to not only catch on fire but see you burn all the days of your life.  God has been preparing you to not just be a voice but be long-standing in the season that has been prophesied. Hear about two of my visions that signify growth, migration, and a new season.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Prophetic Word - Don’t Be Stuck in Transition

Voice of The Burning Ones

Host: Tammie Southerland

Episode #23

It is my desire to not only catch on fire but see you burn all the days of your life.  God has been preparing you to not just be a voice but be long-standing in the season that has been prophesied. Hear about two of my visions that signify growth, migration, and a new season.

You will also hear about the new Permission To Burn LIVE album. We did this live recording with the longing to bring the atmosphere and encounter penned in the pages of the book. I felt as if an audiobook would not suffice. Download a free song at https://frontlinefire.org/live-album/. If you enjoy this episode, please rate and review the episode on iTunes.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Director pioneer, itinerant minister, author, prophetic voice and intercessor.