TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Gospel In Fitness with Laura Aguillard – Part 1

Episode #16 – Laura Aguillard is taking the fitness industry by storm with the Gospel! Laura had an audible encounter with God; this was a turning point that confirmed her identity in HIM. Hear about Laura’s vision of the coming of the Lord and how she is leading people into their God-given purpose as a pastor and health coach.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Gospel In Fitness with Laura Aguillard - Part 1

Voice of The Burning Ones

Host: Tammie Southerland

Episode #16

Laura Aguillard is taking the fitness industry by storm with the Gospel! She isn’t just a health and fitness guru; she is a FIREBALL! Laura had an audible encounter with God; this was a turning point that confirmed her identity in HIM. Jesus told her, “you are not too much & this is what the assignment calls for.” Hear about Laura’s vision of the coming of the Lord and how she is leading people into their God-given purpose as a pastor and health coach.

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You can find show notes for this episode at cpnshows.com/show/voiceoftheburningones.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Director pioneer, itinerant minister, author, prophetic voice and intercessor.