MOVING ON: Stealthy Stepparenting

Episode #16 – Tune in to hear about Jay and Jessie’s vacation, and how they came up with a plan to grow in their relationship as a couple and their relationships with their kids.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
MOVING ON: Stealthy Stepparenting

Moving On

Episode #16

Jay and Jessica Norman, Podcast Hosts


Jay and Jessie just returned from the best vacation they’d ever had as the seven of them! Jay and Jessie worked out the entire week. They spent time in the Word, in meditation, viewing sunsets/sunrises, talking to the Lord, talking to each other, and anything else that would help to “fill [their] cups” so that they could pour into the kids each day all day! Jay and Jessie came up with a plan to grow each of those relationships while leaving their own relationship unhindered.

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About the Author

We are a grace and humility podcast attempting to throw our hat in the ring for positivity and “dropping the rope” in relationship with one another! We want to encourage ideas of grace, compassion, humility, and empathy!