Raising Kids as a Divorced Dad with Kendall Faull

Episode #114 – Take a listen to this episode of Dad Hackers where Patrick speaks with Kendall, a man raising three kids to follow Jesus as a single dad.

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Kingdom Winds
Raising Kids as a Divorced Dad with Kendall Faull

Dad Hackers

Episode #114

Patrick Antonucci— Podcast Host

Kendall Faull has been preaching since 1993 and doing full-time ministry since 1997. He currently works with Christ’s Church in New Whiteland, Indiana, and teaches part-time at Summit Theological Seminary and travels speaking for churches, conferences, and Christian camps. He is known for his enthusiasm for the Gospel with a passionate delivery of God’s Word. He was married for 18 years but is now raising three kids to follow Jesus as a single dad.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Founded by Patrick Antonucci, Dad Hackers is a community and podcast for Christian dads. We are devoted to encouraging and equipping Christian men to become who God designed them to be so that they can raise up the next generation of Christ-followers and leave a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness.