TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Evangelist Josh Lindquist | The Send – Brazil

Episode #3 – God is using Brazil as a forerunner of revival! Josh Lindquist shares about Brazil’s history of revival and how it will be the catalyst for burning faith around the world.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
TAMMIE SOUTHERLAND: Evangelist Josh Lindquist | The Send - Brazil

Voice of The Burning Ones

Host: Tammie Southerland

Episode #3

God is using Brazil as a forerunner of revival! Josh Lindquist joined me at The Send, Brazil, in February 2020. Josh shares about Brazil’s history of revival and how it will be the catalyst for burning faith around the world.

Brazil is a nation that loved the Lord, and the revival marker here is WORSHIP! The roar and fire of Brazil are going to spread across the earth! If you enjoy this episode, please rate and review the episode on iTunes.

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About the Author

Director pioneer, itinerant minister, author, prophetic voice and intercessor.