Faith Rise Up

Episode #30 – Jay and Jess discuss their feelings, hopes, and heart from inside the walls of their Norman Quarantine.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
Faith Rise Up

Moving On

Season 2: Episode #30

Jay and Jessica Norman, Podcast Hosts


Jay and Jess discuss their feelings, hopes, and heart from inside the walls of their Norman Quarantine. They would like to physically gather with each of you in a gigantic group setting and share food and drink when all of this is over. Please go ahead and lay out your best outfit! We can’t wait!

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

We are a grace and humility podcast attempting to throw our hat in the ring for positivity and “dropping the rope” in relationship with one another! We want to encourage ideas of grace, compassion, humility, and empathy!