DAD HACKERS: How to Improve Communication with Your Wife with Matt Jacobson

Episode #54- Matt Jacobson from the Faithful Life Podcast and Faithful Man is with us today to discuss how to have a marriage that is marked by great communication. We discuss what a Biblical marriage is, specific questions to ask your wife to get to know her better, and how to train yourself to truly desire your wife (and I’m not just talking sexually either).

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Kingdom Winds
DAD HACKERS: How to Improve Communication with Your Wife with Matt Jacobson

Dad Hackers

Episode #54

Patrick Antonucci— Podcast Host

Communication is a hot topic in many marriages. Whether you’re doing okay in your marriage, in a difficult season, or on the brink of divorce, you probably could benefit from improving your communication.

Matt Jacobson from the Faithful Life Podcast and Faithful Man is with us today to discuss how to have a marriage that is marked by great communication. We discuss what a Biblical marriage is, specific questions to ask your wife to get to know her better, and how to train yourself to truly desire your wife (and I’m not just talking sexually either).

Fellas, Matt is a marriage expert with a proven track record of cultivating a great marriage of his own AND investing in many other marriages that are producing good fruit. I would suggest listening to this one WITH your wife if possible.

Also, for the ladies that listen to this podcast, while Matt talks specifically to men and some of what he explains apply only to men, much of the content can easily translate to you as well if you’re looking to improve communication with your husband.

Show notes can be found at


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About the Author

Founded by Patrick Antonucci, Dad Hackers is a community and podcast for Christian dads. We are devoted to encouraging and equipping Christian men to become who God designed them to be so that they can raise up the next generation of Christ-followers and leave a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness.