DAD HACKERS: How to Be a Healthy Dad – with Dr. Matt Angove

Dr. Matt Angove joins us in this episode to talk about the effects of stress on our bodies and what proper nutrition looks like. Dr. Matt is a licensed Naturopathic doctor and works with patients on a daily basis to help them accumulate health and be consistent in caring for the body that God gave them.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
DAD HACKERS: How to Be a Healthy Dad - with Dr. Matt Angove

Dad Hackers

Episode #61

Patrick Antonucci— Podcast Host

Dr. Matt Angove— Episode Guest

Men, one of the areas I know is a sore spot for many of us is our health, and in particular our stress and what we eat.

If we could get these two factors under control and be consistent, many of our lives would improve drastically.

Dr. Matt Angove joins us in this episode to talk about the effects of stress on our bodies and what proper nutrition looks like. Dr. Matt is a licensed Naturopathic doctor and works with patients on a daily basis to help them accumulate health and be consistent in caring for the body that God gave them

Before we jump into the interview, I’ve asked Jamison Thornton from Fathers of Daughters to give us a brief answer to the question, “What does it mean to be a great dad?’ Be sure to check out what Jamison is doing with Fathers of Daughters by going to the show notes after the show.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Founded by Patrick Antonucci, Dad Hackers is a community and podcast for Christian dads. We are devoted to encouraging and equipping Christian men to become who God designed them to be so that they can raise up the next generation of Christ-followers and leave a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness.