BLACK AND WHITE: Self-Care – Exhale Interview, Part 2 with Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory

Episode #77 – So often we disqualify ourselves based on our weaknesses, but fixating on our weaknesses is not humility. God gets the glory in our weaknesses and the strengths that He has put within us. Breathe out your definition of self and breathe in God’s definition of you.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
BLACK AND WHITE: Self-Care - Exhale Interview, Part 2 with Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory

Black and White

Episode #78

Denise Pass


So often we disqualify ourselves based on our weaknesses, but fixating on our weaknesses is not humility. God gets the glory in our weaknesses and the strengths that He has put within us. Breathe out your definition of self and breathe in God’s definition of you. Listen in to part two of this interview with Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory as they share on their book, Exhale.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

I write books, music, podcasts and blogs, speak and lead worship to help people to overcome the battles of the mind with the word of God and to see past the surface of this life by diving deep into the word of God.