Persuasion or Demonstration?

This kingdom isn’t based upon intellectual discussion or any wisdom of man but in demonstration of the Ruler of the Kingdom.

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Over the course of many years, I’ve heard and seen some pretty incredible Miracles. Anything from tumors disappearing, to backs being healed, to diseases vanishing, even metal plates disappearing out of people’s bodies. As I have watched these things happen in front of my eyes, I have realized that I have come too far in my walk with God ever to think that He doesn’t or won’t do those things anymore.

I have been moved away from a place of being simply persuaded (either by people or by simple reasoning) into a place where everything God has done in my life and the lives of those around me virtually manifests by demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His Power.

So many of us think and live from a place of persuasion, where we have been reasoned into believing with our minds because God has convinced our minds that He’s good and that He is sovereign, but our hearts often remain distant from Him. Many draw near to Him with their mouths, but their hearts are far off.

“And the Lord said, Forasmuch as this PEOPLE DRAW NEAR ME WITH THEIR MOUTH AND HONOR ME WITH THEIR LIPS BUT REMOVE THEIR HEARTS FAR FROM ME, and their fear and reverence for Me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition [without any thought as to the meaning],” Isaiah 29:13

The kingdom of God isn’t meant to be just an intellectual experience to convince you by a set of plausible discussions, but it’s a Kingdom in Operation and Manifestation of the Holy Spirit and His Power. This Power refutes the natural wisdom of men and creates Faith in the lives of the observers by Supernatural Demonstration.

I’ve never been able to be a very convincing natural speaker, probably because I flunked speech in Grammar school and high school, so I thank God for the Power of the Holy Spirit and His ability flowing through my life. Without Him, there would be no demonstration of His Kingdom. This kingdom isn’t based upon intellectual discussion or any wisdom of man’s mind, but in demonstration of the Ruler of that Kingdom by the manifestation of His Spirit.

He’s chosen us as His vessels of earth (2 Corinthians 4:7) to pour His awesome Spirit into us, through us, and out of us. As we allow Him more and more access to our lives, for this purpose, we will find ourselves no longer just persuaded of His Glory and Goodness but surrounded by the Holy Spirits Demonstration of it as well.

As His Spirit comes upon the lives of those we touch by His prompting, the Overflow will come upon us in an ever-increasing measure. As His Power goes forth from His Kingdom within us, only then will we truly move from just a place of just persuasion and into a place of Supernatural Demonstration instead!

Talk is cheap and the wisdom of men is cheaper still! Don’t just talk about the Kingdom of God. Enter the Kingdom of God!! (John 3:3-5)


Featured Image by Ervin Gjata from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!