If someone asked you what one thing you would never want to lose, what would that be? Everyone would answer differently, for sue. I read this statement and it gripped my heart!
How important is that to us? How important is God to us? If He is first in your life, this statement is very reassuring. If He is not as important as He should be in our life, then this statement isn’t that powerful to your spirit, or even to your soul.
For me, if I lose God in my life, I lose everything! I have suffered much loss, but knowing that I never will lose God’s active presence and intervention in my life is extremely comforting to me. He not only says His presence we can never lose, but He also tells us that we absolutely need it. God’s Presence is with YOU! This should bring us into a place of rest.
If we truly believe what His Word says, we must believe this is HOW we find rest for our souls. Here’s the promise:
My hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your hearts to Him for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62: 5-8
If we dissect these verses and look at them a little deeper, I think we will gain something. Let’s begin:
Verse 5, as the Psalmist begins, he is speaking to his soul saying, “Find rest, O my soul…” He is telling, actually commanding, his soul to find rest in God and to declare His hope in God alone.
In Verse 6, he continues, “He alone is my rock; He alone, is my salvation…He alone, is my fortress.” He is indicating ONLY GOD can be our rock, our salvation, our fortress.
A fortress is a barrier that surrounds one and protects from outside intruders. He will not allow anything to penetrate his hope, or destroy his spirit. He is declaring he will NOT be shaken by what is going on around him. He is placing hope and rest as a barrier around his soul, to protect his emotions by not being shaken. He is taking a stand to believe–God is his refuge.
Moving along in verse 7, he is saying his salvation and his honor is from God. He is not taking any credit for achieving that, but reminding himself that God IS his rock–his rock that’s mighty. God IS his refuge, His strength. He is totally relying and depending on God. What a place to surrender, to rest here.
In Verse 8, he is then encouraging others by stating: AT ALL TIMES TRUST GOD! He encourages us to pour our hearts out to God–for HE IS our refuge, our place of refuge, where we MUST REST.
All of these verses are an exhortation to himself, and to the people. Yes, we need encouragement, first from the Lord. When we receive our encouragement from the Lord, first; then, what God does is use this encouragement for us, then we use it to help others. See the multiplication effect. God always has others in mind. God always has a bigger picture and is restoring not only us individually, but then restoring others in the process. It’s never just about us! It’s always about all people.
The end of the Psalm finishes like this:
two things I have heard:
That you, O God, are strong, and
that you, O Lord, are loving.
Surely you will reward each person
according to what he has done.”
Psalm 62: 11-12
This is the climax! This is a recollection of God’s reassuring word to His people. He is able to do all that He has promised; committed to His people’s salvation and blessedness. When He says, “...You O Lord, are loving…” He is declaring that God will save me because of His unfailing love.
He completes the Psalm by reminding us of God’s rewards. For
“…His eyes are open to all the ways of men;
He rewards everyone according to our conduct
and as our deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 32: 19
“For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father’s glory with His angels,
and then He will reward each person
according to what He has done.” Matthew 16: 27
He IS MY fortress, and I will never be shaken!”
Yes, dear ones, we shall be rewarded for this commitment for this is a commitment for ourselves and to God. Let’s make this a simple expression of trust in God, and in God alone. He shall reward those who diligently seek and trust Him!
This ONE THING can never be taken from us:
This, and ONLY this, is what we absolutely need!
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