Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “Battle Weary Warriors-I Am Restoring Your Roar”

These ones were HUNTED by the enemy but the resurrection power of God is coming upon them so strongly right now that they are now becoming the HUNTERS.

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Over the last few weeks, I have been feeling the Lord’s heart to encourage those who are in and have been in the battle places, more than ever. The heart of the Lord has gripped me strongly as I have felt His love and His encouragement for these battle-weary saints. As I sat with the Lord, I heard the Lord speaking over these ones:


The Lord then showed me that these battle-weary saints have lost their ROAR in the battle. They have lost their voice and the ferociousness that they once walked in because the battle has been so intense, but the Lord is moving in power to RESTORE THE ROAR of these battle-weary ones.

The Lord showed me that not only is God raising them back up again in resurrection power as burning ones, burning with the fire of His love, passion, and presence, but He is raising them up in FIERCE BOLDNESS.

There is not only a complete restoration, healing, deliverance, and resurrection coming upon these battle-weary warriors, but they are receiving a SUPERNATURAL impartation of FIERCE BOLDNESS to declare and speak the word of the Lord and the revelation of heaven with such accuracy, such conviction and such power, that it will cause the kingdom of darkness to shake and tremble.

These ones have been so sought after by the enemy, and have been in such intense places of battle, but the Lord is LAUGHING over the schemes and plans of the enemy in their lives because the Lord has declared that this is their moment of VICTORY, this is their moment where they rise from the ashes with such fierce boldness to overturn the very plans and schemes of the enemy through the wisdom they carry from the Lord, the revelation of His heart and their decree of what the Father is saying.

These ones were HUNTED by the enemy but the resurrection power of God is coming upon them so strongly right now that they are now becoming the HUNTERS. They are the ones being sent out on assignment from the Lord with the ROAR of the Lion of Judah within them and through them that will bring an OVERTURNING to the enemy’s plans. They are being sent forth as DREAD CHAMPIONS to be used by the Holy Spirit to demolish and shatter strongholds and many schemes of the enemy.

These ones are arising from such intense battles where the enemy has attempted to OPPRESS THEM and silence them and are now being sent forth by the Lord on assignment into some of the GREATEST deliverance ministries we have ever seen. These ones are going forth in such FIERCE BOLDNESS and authority declaring and seeing the roar of the Lord come forth from within them that will bring DELIVERANCE to individuals, within cities and nations. It is not in their strength, it is not in their works, for they recognize that it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. These ones were brought to breaking point, but the hand of the Lord has now brought them to their greatest BURNING POINT in Him. They are burning with love, adoration, and passion for Jesus like never before and in the places of brokenness, they were brought to a deeper level of dependence upon the Lord and yielding that His power will flow through them in unprecedented ways.


The Lord showed me a FIERCE and DEEP travail and groaning ROAR that will come upon these ones in this hour, it is the deepest intercession they have ever experienced to see the Spirit of God birth and usher in the fires of revival.

This deep travailing, fierce groaning roar will release the sound of the RESURRECTION POWER in the lives of individuals, in cities, and in nations. This is a sound of intercession that has not been seen before. It’s deeper and weightier than has ever been heard, it’s a new sound and this sound is breaking forth now from within them to see the greatest demonstrations of the resurrection power of Jesus that we have ever seen.

The enemy tried to break and kill these ones, and the Lord is now restoring and resurrecting them in His power to be ones who will carry deep intercessory burdens to see the resurrection power of Jesus explode in the lives of individuals, in cities and nations.

The enemy overplayed his hand.

The Lord is restoring the roar of these battle-weary saints. No longer will they be called battle-weary, but the ferocious burning ones arising in the earth releasing the ROAR of the Lion of Judah, from the place of deep intimacy, deep humility and the sacred place of locked eyes with the One whose eyes burn with flames of fire (Revelation 19:12)

These eagle-eyed warriors are arising in supernatural fierce boldness and the enemy will be sorry he ever messed with them.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

Featured Image by Hilman Luthfi on Unsplash


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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.