“I Heard Your Groans and I Am Removing the Smokescreen. Justice is Coming!”

It is time to stand in faith and believe! “Be bold and strong for the day of My saints is upon you!”

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I heard the groans of the people crying out. We have heard that justice will come but why have we not seen it happen? And I felt the people growing weary of doing anything because they felt their efforts would do no good. So inwardly they have this desire so deep to see justice in our land and in the world and to be free of all that has come upon the earth the last couple of years. 



Then I saw what looked like smoke over the top of a map of the United States that looked as if it were a Puzzle on a giant table. On the map covered with smoke, I saw the Lord waving His hand and saying. “They thought that their plan was so big and vast that the people would be thrown into confusion and never figure out about our master plan to destroy the United States and then the world. It seemed so vast and so large and it was in so many pieces that it could not be put together in the minds of the Christians and the average person. But look what I am doing!”



“I am blowing on the smokescreen and showing you the full picture by the Holy Spirit and by the mouth of the prophets and soon you will see not only the full map but all of the pieces will begin to come together and be revealed!  For I am removing their smokescreen and I am putting the whole puzzle together and soon all will see that what they have looked at was false and what they actually saw in the Spirit was true. And I will accomplish two things in your day. Something so wonderful had I shown it to you before, you would not believe it! And the exposure will happen and Justice will soon begin!” 



Then he waved His hand again and blew on what was left of the smoke and the world came clear to us all and lights began to shine brightly out into the heavens and they were at first here and there on the map but then the whole map was covered in the light of God’s glory because the awakening had happened and the glory of the Lord was being poured out upon the United States and upon the world from there! Truth began to prevail as it had never before and the Kingdom of God and the people of the kingdom began to rule and reign in the 7 mountains of society! This is what God is saying for you to hold onto and not be discouraged because what He says, he will do and he is already at work performing! It is time to stand in faith and believe! “Be bold and strong for the day of My saints is upon you!”



“Had I reinstated your President in the beginning, you would not know what I am about to reveal nor the depths of the evil that shall be uncovered! Wait just a little while and I will throw the curtain wide open for the hidden dirt will be too deep not to surface soon! But along with the dirt, there are treasures out of the darkness that I will give to those who have waited and believed even though they have gotten weary. DO NOT GROW WEARY IN WELL DOING, I SAY TO YOU AGAIN GIRD UP THE LOINS OF YOUR MIND AND BE STRONG FOR THE BATTLE IS MINE AND I AM DOING THESE THINGS IN ANSWER TO THE CRIES OF MY PEOPLE!” 

Daniel 7:18 (TLB) “But in the end, the holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever.”





This is an updated edition of a post originally published on TCIC Ministries 

Featured Image by WikiImages from Pixabay


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About the Author

Jo Ellen is a prophetic speaker, singer, intercessor, and pastor. The Lord has called her to be His mouthpiece no matter what she is involved with. She believes we will see The Knowledge of the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea in our lifetime!!