I AM Bringing My Bride Into a Golden Era

WAKE UP. It’s time for action!

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In the Spirit, I see a huge Golden Lampstand.

It is lit up and shines brightly, spreading light to every corner. I see people standing, sitting, under the Lamp, worshipping God, singing Praises, and bringing great Glory to Him.

I see people passing by, somehow distracted and diverted so that they come under the great lamp stands light. They, too, begin to lift their hands in worship and praise, and great glory is given to God.

Yet, all the while this is happening, I see shadows in the murky gloom outside the radiance of the lamp.

Every now and then, someone on the outer edges of the room just disappears back into the gloom.

Nevertheless, more people are joining than leaving, and the crowd is growing.

“What are you showing me, LORD?”

“The Lampstand is My Church! I AM bringing her, My Bride, into a Golden Era.

I AM presenting her with a golden opportunity to Harvest the lost.

What is happening at the moment is The Door of Revival, which is being opened, and I AM aligning My Church to spread the light from a new Lampstand that I AM presenting to her.

Right now, The Church is positioned for, and has, a golden opportunity for reaching the lost with the Salvation Message of My Son!

Tell My Church to ‘WAKE UP.’ It’s time for action!

This window will only be open for a short time, and even though there is presently only limited opportunity to meet together, the door of opportunity is nevertheless opening wide through other channels and media.

Take what the world offers, sanctify it, and use it for My Kingdom purposes,” says The LORD.

As Tozer said, “A scared world needs a fearless Church!”

My old mentor once prophesied, “The day is coming when I shall remove the lampstand from the big Churches, and I shall give that lampstand to the smaller Church who is faithful and ready to receive it!”

I believe that day has come in 2023.


The Upper Room Encounter

Featured Image by Luis Gonzalez on Unsplash

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About the Author

Chris and Linda Bennett, are founders of The Upper Room - A Place of Encounter. Upper Room has at its heart a great yearning to see revival return to the UK—to Wales in particular. The ministry operates in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, but are called to Wales to help usher in revival.

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