Holy Spirit Interruptions

God is shaking the earth as never before, and the rocks are beginning to cry out for the sons and daughters to come forth as never before.

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We have a tendency, as individuals (especially in America), to get into our daily routines each morning and to stay in them all day long. So much so that when something happens to interrupt those routines, it shocks us into doing things that are outside of our current comfort zones.

I remember being at work years ago when everyone discovered that our nation had been attacked by an outside force. When the twin towers came down, and the craziness ensued after that event, it reminded me of what I saw happen in America when Pearl Harbor was attacked.

Everyone wasn’t just shocked by it because it was so far outside of the norm, but they actually came together in ways that many never had before. People were not only helping each other in ways that they never had before but there was a shift in the spiritual atmosphere and environment of the nation itself.

Even on the news, there was a statement put out that said the terrorists wanted to change America forever. They did because, upon streets all across the country, there were 100s of American flags hanging out everywhere. The churches were full to capacity on the following Sundays in such a fashion that had not been seen in hundreds of years or maybe ever before.

These kinds of events that often interrupt our daily routines have the potential to change the atmosphere of not only households but the entire Nation itself. While God is not the Author of situations like these, He will often use them for His Glory in order to change the hearts and the minds of the people involved.

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” Romans 13:11-12

I BELIEVE WE ARE HEADED FOR SOME ROUTINE INTERRUPTIONS, THE LIKES OF WHICH WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! This isn’t a judgment call, as much as it is an increase in WAKE-UP CALLS! God is moving in the Nations right now, and a Supernatural shaking is taking place in the Heavenly Realms, which will soon take place in the Natural realms as well.

God is shaking the earth as never before, and the Rocks (in some aspects) are beginning to cry out for the Sons and Daughters to come Forth as never before Since the Beginning of Time. The people are seeking supernatural experiences like never before and Holy Spirit is pouring forth into His people, filling them with a passion for His Presence in an unprecedented manner.

Expect an increase in Holy Spirit Interruptions to your routines as we begin to see more and more things unfold in the world around us. It’s time to be filled with the Fire of the Holy Spirit like never before. For as these situations arise, you will find incredible life-changing opportunities for you and those around you to be Awakened to His Presence as never before.

This awakened state will cause you to move under His anointing through those situations, covered by His Peace, filled with His Power, and overflowing with His Hope for the future ahead!  It truly is a great time to be alive!


Featured Image by Frank Winkler from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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