Hit the Delete Button

When we mess up and miss the mark, God forgives, cleanses, and forgets.

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He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record

and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us.

He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved!

Colossians 2:13 TPT

The typewriter has become a relic. A white elephant. Something that belongs in a museum, much like the old rotary telephones. Even though some of us cut our typing teeth on these manual monstrosities, we love our PCs and laptops and are not planning to pull our typewriters out of the attic any time soon. We certainly don’t miss carbon paper, erasers, messy ribbons, or starting from scratch when a mistake is beyond correction.

Oh, how we cherish the delete button. Make a typo, hit delete. Change your mind, hit delete.  Need to start all over, hit delete and you suddenly have a fresh, blank page waiting to be filled.

Wouldn’t it be great if life were that easy? Say the wrong word, hit delete. Hurt someone’s feelings, hit delete. React in anger, hit delete. Need to make a fresh start with a friend or family member? Delete, delete, delete. Maybe we could have our own personal Groundhog Day so we live the day over and over until we get it perfect.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. We have to be careful how we behave, what we say, and how we conduct our lives. The Bible encourages us to think before we speak and to choose our words wisely.

I’ve learned the hard way that hateful words spoken out of frustration and anger cannot be retrieved. My heart has been broken many times as both the giver and receiver of harsh words. They leave a definite and lasting impression. No matter how much we regret an action, the seed has already been sown. The old adage about sticks and stones is far from true. Words do hurt, and they can cause a lifetime of pain.

The good news for us is that God does have a delete button. When we mess up and miss the mark, God forgives, cleanses, and forgets. In fact, Colossians says, He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! (2:13 TPT).

God wipes the slate clean and gives us the opportunity to start over—again, and again, and again.  All we have to do is ask.  Now, that’s technology at its finest.

Have you asked Him to hit the delete button today? It only takes a split second, so give it a try. You’ll be glad you did.


Featured Image by Patrick Fore on Unsplash


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About the Author

A Kingdom creative, Andrea is a writer and editor with a passion to help others see God’s Word as relevant and practical for everyday life.