Heavenly Language

Don’t settle for anything less than His will for you.

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During the last 40 years or so, the Holy Spirit has reminded me that I needed to learn to speak Heaven’s language. This language isn’t like learning Spanish or Italian. It isn’t just learning new grammar or how to say different words in different ways. It’s an entirely different perspective on what Truth is and what it is not.

God had to literally rewire my thoughts to match up with His. This is why He says His Ways aren’t our Ways and His thoughts aren’t our thoughts but they’re Higher (Isaiah 55:8). This changes the more that you renew your mind as a Christian, then all of the sudden His Ways and thoughts do become yours, which is why We have the Mind of Christ.

I didn’t understand exactly what He meant until I started to allow the Holy Spirit to Renew my mind. The Renewing of your mind is a restoration of what it was supposed to look like from God’s Perspective. It is from this place, when we declare or speak something, that the words go forth to have a desired effect on whatever we are declaring.

When God spoke in the beginning, everything was created. In a similar fashion, when we speak as the Oracles Of God, we should expect creative ability to take place. For even though it is us speaking His Word, it is still HIS WORD and it carries the same creative power even if it is spoken by us.

The Holy Spirit and the Angels stand ready to perform the Words spoken by the mouth of the Father, so I have learned to speak Dad’s declarations over my life, my friends, my family, and everything else in my life. In doing so, I expect to see those things come to pass, not just because I declared them but because He did!

I’m going to emulate the same actions that My Father in Heaven does, and in doing so, I expect to see Him fulfill what He said He would do. The Word of God is alive, full of Power, and sharper than any double-edged sword. The Father wants to teach every Son and Daughter how to wield it as they learn to speak the language of Heaven.

In Heaven, there is no sickness, no disease, no darkness, no fear, and no death. These are all enemies of the kingdom of God and, as such, are my enemies as well, so I don’t permit anything empowering any of these things to come forth from my lips.

If we are to really learn the language that our Father in Heaven speaks, these things should never be allowed to pass our lips. Instead, we should take those thoughts captive before they come forth and cast them to the ground as enemies of Jesus Christ, enemies of Father God, and enemies of Us!

Next, you should begin to pour the Word of God into your Spirit by reading the Bible.  Allow the Holy Spirit to light up the pages of the Word of God and expect Him to reveal Heaven’s perspective to you. As you do this, you’ll see your speech change, your mind renewed, and your circumstances align with Heaven’s perspective.

It’s time to declare His Promises over your life! Don’t settle for anything less than His Will for you. He has given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness. All of His Promises are yes and Amen unto the Glory Of God! You are more than a conqueror through Christ Who strengthens you! You’ve been given Power over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you!

These and many others should become the war cry of every Son and every Daughter. Don’t allow what you let leave your lips to rob you of your authority and inheritance in Jesus Christ! Speak Life and send Everything that brings forth death packing!!


Featured Image by Ben Vaughn on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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