God Desires to Forgive

The anger God has against sin is removed when one is willing to repent and believe in Jesus.

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Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy.

Micah 7:18

Remaining in anger and unwilling to forgive is a common characteristic of many people. Hurts occur and people remember it forever and hold it against the one who caused the pain. People desire to see others pay for their harm, desiring vengeance and payback and refusing to show any mercy.

Micah asks who is a God-like God because He forgives sins, delighting in mercy and not remaining in anger.

The world desires vengeance for any wrongs done. One must pay for their crimes. While many are willing to let the government system take care of dealing with the wrongs, the majority take it into their own hands. Often the pain caused is something that is not legally punishable.

Forgiveness is out of the question and there is very little to no mercy. As a result, many see God in the same way. They cannot see His mercy and willingness to forgive. All they believe is that God is ready to kill them or is an unjust God who does not love.

God shows His infinitely perfect love in that He sent His one and only Son to die upon the cross to make a way to forgive. His desire is to remove the sin so that there can be a relationship with each and every person. The anger He has against sin is removed when one is willing to repent and believe in Jesus.

People need to see God’s great love and mercy. They need to be willing to repent of their sin and accept His mercy and forgiveness.

The world will tell you that God is unloving and hateful. You are able to see the unforgiveness of people all around you. Do not allow yourself to be deceived into seeing God in the wrong way. He is ready to pour out His love and mercy upon you, forgiving you of all sin.

Repent of your sins and see the love He delights to have for you as He has mercy and forgives you. No other god will do that for you. The world will not show the same mercy and love but will retain anger forever.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know God’s great love for you; that you will know God’s mercy He has for you; that you will repent of all sin against God; and that you will accept His forgiveness and mercy.


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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom


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About the Author

Tom Arn is happily married for 30 years to his wonderful wife Cammie. They are blessed by God with eight wonderful children and one grandchild. Tom has worked as a children’s pastor, senior pastor, and many times (and currently) as a Sunday School Teacher. He has a General Ministries degree with a Bible College. He started doing a short devotional type Bible study on Facebook in 2014, going through the books of the Bible chapter by chapter, section by section. Tom writes what he feels God is placing on his heart.

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