Follow Immediately

Being His follower means one will be His witness to those in this world.

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They immediately left their nets and followed Him. Matthew 4:20

There are events in life that take priority over everything else. Often these are disastrous situations in which it is an emergency, but other times it is just something that is timely and needs to be done immediately. In order for a person to drop everything quickly and do something different, it must be something that catches their attention and needs it immediately.

Matthew records that Jesus had walked up to Simon Peter and Andrew, who were fishing, and told them to follow Him. They immediately dropped everything and followed Him.

People work a job in order to provide the needed finances to provide food, shelter, and clothing for themselves and their families. In order to keep the job, one must continue to do the required work. Leaving the work undone, will usually mean that the person has quit and will be fired from the job, causing a loss in provision, so working the job is a high priority.

While working a job is a high priority for a believer, following Jesus is a higher priority. One must be willing to drop everything to follow Jesus. This may mean leaving a job, hobby, friends, family, entertainment, or anything else. Doing what God wants one to is the highest priority in life.

In the eyes of the world leaving a good-paying job or anything else to follow Jesus is insane. Following Jesus brings one true and abundant life. It will also open the doors for others to be able to choose to follow Jesus and gain eternal life.

Being His follower means one will be His witness to those in this world. People in this world are on a track leading to death and need to be warned. This is an emergency that means one must be willing to drop everything and follow Jesus in being His witness.

God is calling you to be a follower of Jesus. What this world has to offer you is only temporary pleasure and death. As you hear the call of Jesus be willing to drop everything to obey and follow Him. Walk the path God has for you each and every day. Doing this is a matter of highest priority. It is an emergency of eternal proportions.

Are you dropping everything to follow Jesus wherever He leads?

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will follow Jesus above all else; that you will hear God’s leading; that God will reveal the path He has for you to walk; and that you will be a fisher of men and women for Jesus.


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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom


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About the Author

Tom Arn is happily married for 30 years to his wonderful wife Cammie. They are blessed by God with eight wonderful children and one grandchild. Tom has worked as a children’s pastor, senior pastor, and many times (and currently) as a Sunday School Teacher. He has a General Ministries degree with a Bible College. He started doing a short devotional type Bible study on Facebook in 2014, going through the books of the Bible chapter by chapter, section by section. Tom writes what he feels God is placing on his heart.

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