Empowering Prayer and Declaration

Are the words that you are speaking into the airwaves strengthening the angelic or the demonic?

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Some years ago, as I was attending a prayer meeting, the Lord caught me away into a very Large room in the Spirit realm. The only thing which appeared to be in this room was something that looked like a mirror in the middle of the floor.

This Mirror was not like just any other mirror out there, though, and as I looked in it and began to think of places on the earth, they began appearing upon the mirror in front of me. So in my mind, I began to focus upon the City of San Francisco, California, and as I did, it appeared upon the mirror as though I was observing it from mid-air.

As I closed in upon a certain neighborhood within the city, I saw many houses that were similar in design and fashion. The Holy Spirit seemed to draw my attention to one house in this neighborhood because standing outside of a small kitchen window and upon a small concrete porch was an Angel of the Lord.

As I began observing him, I began hearing a Heavenly Melody coming from a woman standing in her kitchen washing dishes at the sink behind the window. As this Singing continued, the appearance of the Angel Brightened intensely until the only part of him that was visible to me was the outline of his face. Everything else became bright like the sun in the sky.

Through this mirror, I was able to see not just the things going on in the natural realm but also the things going on in the Supernatural realm around us. What many of us don’t realize is that we are either Empowering the Angelic or the Demonic with our words and our actions.

The lady in the window singing was probably completely unaware of the Angel guarding her residence. Still, in the process of her worship to God from her heart, she was actually strengthening and Empowering the Angelic in the process of it.

For every believer, there are Angels sent out on assignment to strengthen you, encourage you, protect you, and guard the Anointing that God has placed in your life and upon your life!

“The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him [who revere and worship Him with awe] and each of them He delivers.” Psalms 34:7

These Angels are not only watching over our lives and the Anointings which we carry, but they are also there to carry out the Word of the Lord Himself as it comes forth from the lips of His Sons and Daughters in the earth.

“Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His commandments, HEARKENING TO THE VOICE OF HIS WORD.” Psalms 103:20

If we (as the Body of Christ) really understood that whatever we say or declare out of our lips was either Empowering the Angelic or the demonic, how much more careful would we be about what we speak out into the atmospheres around us?

So ask yourself this question this morning, What are you Empowering with your words? Are the Words that you are speaking into the airwaves strengthening the Angelic or the demonic? Are you declaring the Word of the Lord into the atmosphere around you so that the Angelic can perform it, or are you giving ability and dominion to the demonic realm?

“Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I AM ALERT AND ACTIVE, WATCHING OVER MY WORD TO PERFORM IT.” Jeremiah 1:12

We need to realize what is happening around us every day. There are invisible forces at work around us each day, and all day, in the form of the Angelic as well as the demonic and whatever we declare has the capability to Empower one over the other.

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29

FATHER GOD, PUT A GUARD AROUND OUR LIPS today so that the only things that we speak or declare are that which will Increase and Empower Your Kingdom!


Featured Image by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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