Destiny Calls Your Name in December

An opportunity awaits you, and it’s better than a Christmas present. May you recognize this opportune moment, which is a kairos time, and move forward with the King as your heart prepares Him room. 

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YOUR Destiny in December!

All time is not created equal.

An opportunity awaits you, and it’s better than a Christmas present. May you recognize this opportune moment, which is a kairos time, and move forward with the King as your heart prepares Him room.

Spiritual Charge in Time

When Father created the world, He set apart the seventh day as holy. He specified certain times—the evening time, the seventh day, the lunar beginning of each month, and cyclical feasts that were charged with His presence. These “times” are invitations to come into His presence and they have a higher spiritual charge than other days.

In a negative sense, Halloween is a spiritually charged time, as the statistical increase for crime attests.

Genesis speaks of Father creating the sun, moon, and stars to mark the times and seasons. The season change marks an increase in the “charge” in time.

Windows of Seasonal Change

There are four windows of seasonal change each year. There is a measure of grace on each season change, and an opportunity to partner with Father to move forward.

December 10-31 – reconciliation with the Lord Jesus Christ as King, and forward movement with personal destiny (in harmony with Jesus as King over your life)

Yes, Turbulence; YES Grace and Flow

Extra grace and ease of flow exist as opportunities in these times. Conversely, there is also turbulence, as subcontractors for the enemy have centuries invested in work to defile these times. The point of the turbulence is to turn us away from the opportunity to meet with Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit and to receive His grace and flow to experience a lurch forward in our lives.

Path to Destiny

The system of education is designed for each level to build on the previous ones. That’s why addition is taught before multiplication because multiplication builds on the knowledge and skill gained in addition.

There’s a parallel here with our spirit destiny.

Whatever “level” the Lord chooses to highlight has extra grace in December, and each level is building you!

Here are core levels

  1. Presence of, and restoration to, Father, Son, and Spirit – His presence and essence revealed to, recognized by, and reconciled in you in deeper measures.
  2. Your identity as a child of God – these are the same core units for every believer. You are created by your Heavenly Father and you have the right to exist. You are washed with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and given access to your Heavenly Father, empowered in your life by the Holy Spirit (and all the other promises and empowerment He’s given believers through Scripture–these are available for every believer, but require active receiving, focus and response, and therefore not every believer has them in visible operation).
  3. Your specific identity as a new person in Christ – this is unique to you. In some families, many go into the teaching profession or law enforcement, etc. That may be a family calling such as the kings and priests in Scripture. However, most people are set in identities with which come work roles that are not their new-person-in-Christ identity. (Note: You can discover your new-person-in-Christ identity and live well from that place, even if you still have to stay in a work role for now.) He will reveal these unique-to-you facets in dreams, in Scripture, through others and even messages you read or see that “jump” out to you, and through trusted prophetic ministers. Usually, He reveals a facet at a time, and it’s a process of discovery and growth in each one.
  4. Your unique destiny is connected to all the previous levels listed above. The pathway to your destiny (your specific set of good works that are your service to the Lord; which He has called and empowered you to do through His Spirit; and which change as He leads the times and seasons of your life). This is a great time to ask Him! And then make time to listen and discover! If you already know that you’re called to write, sing, create any specific thing, this is a great time to: 1. pause the busy-ness of the season 2. dedicate it to the Lord 3. take the next step in it.
  5. Your specific inheritance in Christ. He has literally given you a “field” which is your inheritance lot. It’s in the spirit realm. As you take the next step as His Spirit leads this month, you are unlocking the next phase to inhabit your inheritance. The first inheritance to inhabit is yourself—to consecrate yourself as the mobile glory unit of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to inhabit (invite Him into and cooperate with His promptings) portion by portion. Billy Graham allowed the Holy Spirit to inhabit himself as an inheritance to Christ, and through Him, Billy’s inheritance was souls led to Christ through his specific identity and his gift of evangelism. One prophet saw a vision related to Billy Graham’s inheritance and it contained many fields and many barns! The spirit realm inheritance impacts our—and others’—physical reality.
  6. Your specific legacy. This is built over the course of your life by the 1,000s of daily choices to go with God, go for the gold in the race of your own life. It is because of Christ, but it is unique to you. You may see glimpses of it on earth, as King David did when his leaders gave generously to his dream of building a house to honor God before he died. However, the bulk impact of your legacy is visible after your departure. William Wilberforce left a legacy of freedom from the slave trade by working for over 25 years to change the law in Great Britain; he died within days. His legacy has continued to impact the world for each of these 186 years after his departure. You will see your legacy—but it won’t be from earth’s vantage point, and you want it to be good, as you only have one life to live.

Wherever you are on the path to your destiny, realize that it’s a process. There’s grace to zoom forward this month. Wherever you are, or even if you don’t know where you are, consecrate (dedicate) your time and your process to the Lord Jesus Christ to give Him freedom to work.

Take the time this month to make “room at your inn” for the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you do that, you’ve made the most of the opportunity, even if you don’t know any specifics yet.

Even if you’re not where you want to be, you are getting somewhere! You are making progress! You are ascending the spiral spiritual staircase!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Hope Streams

Featured Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.
Stephen + Crystal Wade

About the Author

Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She co-authored Pure Joy and wrote Perfect Peace together with its audio album, tools for healing trust and growing the spirit. She is the managing editor of Hope Crystal and her husband Stephen share a passion to position the next generation to be anchored in truth so they can fly in the spirit.