Death Came Knocking – Faith Was Already There

I’m sure of one thing; I was standing in that room when a miracle happened.

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My wife and I grow a bit flustered trying to find a decent TV show. My favorites are the mid-20th-century westerns. To spare my wife that agony, we enjoy shows like Expedition Unknown and Untold Stories of the ER, among others. I thank God his technology brings us old movies to enjoy. The newer ones have too much graphic sex, violence, or ungodly agendas.

 If you are unfamiliar with Untold Stories, it is an hour of three or four different emergency room situations that must be solved, or the patient will most likely die. It is astonishing to watch these doctors and nurses use their training and knowledge to save the lives of these near-death patients.

An older woman was in the hospital visiting her post-surgery husband when she collapsed with cardiac arrest. Rushed to the ER, the doctors did all they could to save her, to no avail. At the moment of flat-line, her husband interrupted. He had been standing back watching the event unfold. In his hospital gown and slippers, he recognized the heroic effort to save her. He saw the moment the attending physician called her death. He witnessed the saddened faces of those who had worked so hard but were unable to save her. The nurses and ER doctor requested he leave. “It is not a good time,” they said.

He knew she was dead. Asking with a calm voice, “I don’t mean to intrude. I just want to lay my hands on my wife for a moment. Would that be alright?”

The ER staff stood back.

He eased over to the gurney, laid his hand on her forehead, and bowed his head for a few moments. The entire room was quiet. Her husband revealed a slight and peaceful smile as he turned to walk away. Standing over to the side, his demeanor publicized anticipation. An expectation, as if waiting for what he had asked to be loosed in heaven and to be ushered in by the angels of God. The peace on his face declared God’s promise to provide what he asked.

“I got the impression he was a man of faith,” the doctor said. All he did was lay his hand on her forehead and bow his head for a few moments and  . . . then something remarkable happened! “She developed her own spontaneous heartbeat and her own pulse, and then her own blood pressure, and she started rallying on her own. All signs of her heart attack were gone.”

“In all honesty,” said the doctor, “I wasn’t sure if it was our medical intervention or his laying on of hands that resurrected his wife. But, I’m sure of one thing, I was standing in that room when a miracle happened.”

Interesting, isn’t it? How slow we are to give God the credit for miracles in our lives and those of others. “I wasn’t sure . . .” said the doctor.

How could he not be sure? He witnessed the entire event! He failed! Faith did not! Prayer did not! God did not!

The faith of a mustard seed allows us to move mountains. It also heals the sick. Too often, we call on God using our own strength and not our assured faith. God is waiting for you to give your entire being to Him. Won’t you do that today?


(Ref: Untold Stories of The ER; Nothing Works; Season 2 Episode 12)

Written by Andy Oldham


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Christian Grandfather Magazine

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About the Author

We desire to stir up grandfathers to continue leading—to share the gospel—to help one another in doing so. Christian Grandfather Magazine publishes faith-building articles from a variety of writers to encourage a closer spiritual bond with God, your wife, your children, and your grandchildren.

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