Clarity’s Mission

After eight years, author Tony Caico is releasing Restoration by Water’s Edge—beautiful and elegant words of hope and healing inspired by the King!

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This morning I awoke and immediately realized, I actually did a thing

An eight-year journey for me to finally release the words about how my one true King;

Saved me from death, gave me a new heart; what a joyous and amazing feeling

Now today my poems are out there in a book for all to see, no more stealing;

Precious time away from my life’s purpose; my own Matthew 28 mission if you will

To point others to Jesus, so He can also lay His mighty hand on each of them; because regardless of what you’ve done; there is still;

Time; time for everyone; yes even YOU, to align yourself with the one who made you, the one, true source of light

Knitting you beautifully in your mother’s womb; for a specific assignment; to jump in and to join the fight;

The battle we all face every day in the spiritual realm; the struggle is real and we do have an enemy

And he runs around freely in this world; look what’s going on around you today, and all over the world, don’t you see?

That there’s a side to choose, and it is absolutely about life and death

Today, I am so grateful for my book launch; and for the rest of my life; with every single breath;

I will proclaim the name of Jesus, who not only died for me and lives in me; He’s given me another chance; and it’s abundantly clear

Consider running with me on this friends, The Lord will accept you today; He loves you like no other; and He will always be near







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About the Author

TONY CAICO is the founder and owner of Affinity Five Search Group, where he helps financial services organizations with their executive placement needs. His strong desire to help others also lends itself to career shepherding for executives, where he offers coaching and direction to help align individuals with their purpose both in their careers and in their lives. His first writing project, My Back Nine, was published in 2011 and served up anecdotes for executives heading into the second half of their lives. Caico’s church home is The Church of Eleven Twenty-Two in Jacksonville, Florida. He lives in Ponta Vedra Beach, FL, and has four amazing sons and one beautiful and talented daughter.