Kristina M Ward

When the Walls Begin to Shake

It might hurt a little when all the bricks finally collapse, but if rescue were painless or easy, I would do it myself.

When God Feels Distant

I could see how God had gently been calling me to Himself through this very song, all morning long. I just wasn’t listening.

Mistaking Doubt for Humility

When I question God’s plan, I’m putting myself in the center of a narrative God has already established as His.

Letting Go of Non-Negotiables

We don’t need to know how the details of our lives will unfold because we have the promises of God holding us in love.

When Insecurities Roar

Observing my daughter from a distance, a familiar chord struck me inside. My daughter was me.

A Listening Practice

It’s easy to make assumptions and allow our minds to create a narrative based on partial truths that we know about each other.

“Who Am I?”

When I entertain the ways I’m inadequate, I’m not believing God is who He says He is.

Twisting Grace

Without even trying, we take the knowledge God has granted to us and the good things he’s done in our lives and put ourselves smack dab in the center.

I’m Brave…Okay?

It was a statement and a question all wrapped in one; she believed she could do it, but doubted it all at the same time.

Learning to Play My Own Song

But something began to happen. The more I tried to play, the more my desire increased to hear the written melody flow smoothly through my fingers.