Greg Doles

The Lie of Self-Existence

If you believe that God exists and that everything exists in him, then you know your own existence to be inextricably contingent upon God’s existence.

Literally True

The atheist believes that a materialist understanding of the universe is the only literal interpretation that can explain reality, as we all experience it.

For God’s Sake

In this way, loving God is understood as a confession about the true nature of existence.

Low and Slow

From the best I can tell, impatience is a symptom of both heart and mind.

Dream Of A World Like That

We all live with some measure of discontent, making us all susceptible to accepting various impermanent remedies, without question.

The Great Unmasking

But we have also witnessed the heroic and the courageous, those willing to place themselves in harm’s way — those willing to stand up to the challenges of this healthcare crisis.

Ravens of Elijah

If you’re anything like me, then you’re inclined to believe that life can only make sense if on some scale, on some level, there is some measure of balance and symmetry.