1984: The Unthinkable Result
There is a great clean-up coming to both America, Britain, and Europe and judgment shall surely follow!
There is a great clean-up coming to both America, Britain, and Europe and judgment shall surely follow!
The Road of Revival is not a straightforward road, it always has twists and turns, usually to avoid minor or major disasters.
You shall see My church triumphant despite all the world’s attempts to subdue and kill her off!
The LORD is speaking to us about our role in the great awakening that is happening all around us right now.
Build Me a House where I can live, where I can rest, where My Glory can abide!
Review the promises and reclaim those that have failed to manifest.
We are each called to a different group — but none of us is the sole arbiter of Truth.
The LORD is preparing to show Himself to the world in a way that we’ve not seen before.
The dry place they crossed was a safe place provided by God for their benefit!
Time to stop procrastinating and time to start doing the work of an evangelist!
I cannot place enough emphasis upon the necessity of unity among My People.
If we were only to allow God to be God, without us restraining Him or restricting Him in any way, then our prayers will be answered.
I see much, that has been correctly prophesied, coming to engulfment!
Go, tell My People what you have seen. Tell them how short time is!
This Wind is blowing the false away, as God brings this new clarity and anointing to bear in our everyday lives.
“No more will My people chase down dead ends!” says the LORD.
The LORD calls us to come into His Presence — away from the noise of battle.
Expect much and the harvest you reap will be great.
This coming FIRE OF GOD will mark My People forever and will separate them.
My Spirit is coming like a whirlwind, like a wildfire, like nothing you’ve yet experienced.
Fear not that which lies ahead, only fear for those who refuse My offer of Salvation, for they may turn to Me too late.
I have so much to talk about with you, so much to show you.
The atmosphere is Holy, with a holiness that only The Presence of The LORD can bring.
You, My People, will find a new heart, a courageous heart that will overcome every wile of the enemy.
I have prepared a harvest for each one individually. It is TIME to step up and reap your harvest.
Let My being close fill you with My Energy, My Strength, My Peace.
Revival isn’t all sweetness and light!
The trumpet sounds and the main body of horsemen break into a gallop, weapons in hand, ready for action.
My Church is about to change to My Design, not man’s design or desire!
God is calling the intercessors to lay hold of the horns of the altar and to groan the birth pains of the awakening and harvest promised in scripture.
Will you not carry My Love to those searching for Love?
I see Father God rubbing His hands in joyful anticipation of what is being birthed this Pentecost.
The smaller Churches, often non-denominational, are burgeoning simply because they offer Hope.
I tell you, go now; use the gifts I have given you. Use them in the fear and awe of The LORD.
We should be wrestling with God for His Kingdom principles to reign in our lives and our part of the world.
WAKE UP. It’s time for action!
The LORD is calling all of us closer to Him and asking us to stay close to Him while He anoints us all with fresh oil.
A whole new concept of ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ is being released.
No other way will do. No other Gospel, Word, or Blood.
My heart is at peace, my mind isn’t restless, and I’m sleeping well at night.
For too long, My Prophets have delivered ear-tickling but meaningless soft words.
There must be no comparison to the place you have left.
The Lord is calling all to whom He has given this anointing to step up to the plate.
“I tore The Curtain that you might have immediate, personal, intimate access to Me!” says The LORD.
Expect Me in the quietness and in the silent moments.
Wake up before you miss the wonder and excitement of Him moving among you.
It is time for My People, The Church, to move to higher ground.
Call for righteous men and women to be placed in positions of power that have been corrupted by the politics of greed.
So many of My people, even My appointed leaders, have no idea of the power at their disposal.
Reverential Fear of The LORD shall return to My Church.
Let the real prophets, in humility, speak only what The LORD gives them to speak.
Pentecost 2022 will see The Holy Spirit Fire fall on the “Upper Room Remnant,” known as the Remnant Church, and bring revival to the world.
Let this warning act as a call to My people to repentance and to prayer.
I am looking for those who will contend wherever they find themselves, quietly, maybe silently, pleading with Me for the souls of men.
They shall be young and they shall be old — age has no relevance for them. They shall speak only My Words, only when I release them to do so.
A water spout some 50-odd feet high erupted and the whole area was deluged with living water from the old well of revival.
The Lord is asking, “Do you love with My love? Do you walk with My intent?
Politics in America are about to change forever!”, says the Lord of Hosts.
I went into another vision. I was somewhere in America today, and I saw witches gathered around a large wood fire.
I can say with total certainty that God is in control and that Donald Trump is His choice for this coming season.
Where I am allowed to do so, I am raising up a new vibrant church to lead My people into a revival-led Golden Age.
The past is in the past! It gone! It’s over! Stop looking back! You’re now free and able to do ALL that I call you to do!
Revival doesn’t die — it peters out due to neglect, due to familiarity breeding contempt.
Just as judgment begins with the Church, so shaking has already begun in the Church and the land!
I believe The LORD is raising a young female leader who will dominate politics in a similar manner to Margaret Thatcher.
The LORD spoke again, “I want you to call My People to action in their own local areas.
Stretch your hands towards heaven, lay hold of the Cloud of His Presence, and pull it down.
We are seeing more and more young people, all under 30, getting on fire for the Lord.
A bombshell of both confusion and violence is about to erupt in the centers of Satanic influence – Washington DC, London, and Rome — as he fights to retain control of his empire.
Much user inclusiveness and seeker friendliness have been meted out to the lost in our efforts to ‘win some at all costs’!
Yours now is to walk beside, yours to encourage, yours to bring into My Presence.
It will be a time”, says the Lord, “to keep yourselves pure, clean, and holy before Me.
Stand firm – I am not about to desert my people who stand and remain standing.