World Events


There are many shades in the color white, and each degree of color speaks a message. Why does God emphasize the color white in His Word, and how does that apply to our lives?  Find out in today’s convicting message.  

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Disappointed? Join the Club!

Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: The Yuckies are No Bueno

Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Tilling the Weeds of Your Heart

What is the condition of the soil of your heart?  Are you constantly dealing with weeds that are choking the growth of the fruit of the Spirit? In today’s episode, find out how God uses His tiller to create in you a pure heart.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Poodle Skirts and Body Builders

Life can throw us so many curve balls, and yes, it’s a twisty and windy road that we’re on. However, it is also possible to live up in a down world! Join Jimmy and Annette Pruitt on their wild journey of 30 years of wow, doing ministry, remarriage, and a commitment to make a difference for the better in this crazy world.


I believe there is a remnant that is not going to be scared, we will move into battle until we see revival and awakening in our land.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Prayer for America

America stepped into her 247th birthday, and look how far we have declined. It will take a praying Army filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to change the condition of our nation.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Hidden in the Stairs

There is a higher dimension of living that God has called His Bride to experience, but in order to get there, you will have to climb the stairs. In today’s episode, you will find the secret to living above and beyond your limitations.

A Nation Adrift

Those who say God is not concerned about nations are ill-informed regarding His purpose for the Church on Earth.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Knocked Down, But Not Knocked Out

Do you feel like the crashing waves and violet winds are too much to bear?  Is your boat filling up with water and you’re about to sink?  Today’s episode will strengthen you to see your trials from a different perspective.  

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: The Breaking of the Soul

The inner life of Christ is within your Spirit but cannot be released unless there is a breaking of the outer shell of the soul.  How does that process take place, and how do we truly live IN the Spirit? 


How does God arise over our troubles and circumstances? There is something we must do in order for Him to arise.  Find out in today’s episode.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Priesthood of Fire

As the Priesthood of God we are to be consumed with holy Fire. But how do you live a life of Fire? Find out in this passionate episode that will ignite the Fire of God in you.


There is no limit to the oil of the Spirit; the limitation is only in the vessel. Find out how you can have a continual supply of oil to overcome every trial in today’s episode.


What is “hidden manna,” and why does the Lord only give it to those who overcome? Why is it in a golden pot, and how is it connected to the pot of gold at the rainbow’s end? Find out the answers and more in today’s episode.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Patience and Obedience

Jesus appeared to over 500 people after the resurrection. Why were the majority of them absent in the upper room after He told them to wait for the promise? Find out the importance of patience and obedience in today’s episode.

When Darkness Gathers

This is not a time to align with the dismissal, mockery, and ignorance regarding what is taking place.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Separated by Faith

When God gives us a promise, opposition comes to block its path.  So how do we make it through?  How is the promise fulfilled?  Today’s podcast will ignite your faith and challenge you to launch into the deep! 


Are you waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled and wonder why it is taking so long? Find out what God is doing in you through the waiting period. Today’s podcast will speak to everyone, no matter what circumstance or situation you are going through.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: God is Working Behind the Scenes

You may have faith, but do you have patience? Why is the testing of your patience so important in your Christian journey? Today’s podcast will bring many answers to the seemingly “delays” of God’s promises in your life.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: You Have Need of Patience

You may have faith, but do you have patience? Why is the testing of your patience so important in your Christian journey? Today’s podcast will bring many answers to the seemingly “delays” of God’s promises in your life.


Have the pressures of life become a weight that you can no longer carry? Instead of overcoming, have you been overcome? Today’s episode will set you free!

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: A New Voice Birthed in the Wilderness

John the Baptist came on the scene at a time when the old order of the priesthood was void of God’s presence and power. The true word of the Lord came to John in the wilderness. In today’s episode, find out why the wilderness is used to bring forth God’s prophetic Voice thru you.


We all want to see God perform miracles in our lives, but do we want to learn His ways? What does it mean to learn His ways, and how do we do it? Find out in today’s powerful episode.

Heads in the Sand

We have opened a dark door that has allowed the collapse of our nation to take place.

The Deeper State

All effective spiritual battle plans begin with an inquisitive prayer asking the Lord to show us the real enemy.

Preparing for Takeoff

Without having completed our spiritual checklist, we will place ourselves and those we love in jeopardy.


God has given you victory over everything that has kept you in living “under” the table, but there is something that you must do to be restored to your rightful position. Today’s episode is a powerful messenger for all who need a breakthrough!

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the last and greatest of God’s Feast days. It is a time of celebration, joy, and glory. Find out the importance of this season as it pertains to your life in today’s episode.

When Black Swans Appear

When all hope is gone, and a real black swan event wreaks its loveless havoc, the Lord will move suddenly in profound ways that we have not seen.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: The Dry Bones will Live

Are you facing a valley in which all hope seems lost? Has the promise and dream died? Be encouraged! God is about to bring a resurrection but He requires you to do something first. Find out in today’s compelling message!

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Fitted for the Promise

Have you wondered why the circumstances of your life seem to be in direct opposition to the promise that God gave you? In today’s episode, find out how God uses difficult circumstances to fit you into your destiny.


Did you know that you are a creator? In today’s powerful episode, Sharon shares how God has placed His Spirit within you, and when you speak, your words have to power to create something out of nothing!


The biggest challenge in wearing a white garment is keeping it free of stains. In today’s episode, Sharon brings a convicting message about removing the stains from our garments of righteousness.

Restless Hearts

We don’t see it on our major news outlets in the United States, but the nations of the world are restless.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: The Chosen are Broken

Join Sharon Bolan each week for Holy Spirit-filled teachings, prophetic words, interviews, and more! In today’s podcast, Sharon addresses the common thread of brokenness that applies to all who are chosen of God.

THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Wake Up With Hope – Destiny in the Desert

Join Sharon Bolan each week for Holy Spirit-filled teachings, prophetic words, interviews, and more! How can a solitary place of loneliness, rejection, discouragement, and loss lead you to your destiny? Find out in today’s powerful message that is sure to impact your life!