Casting Out the Carnal Nature

Holy Spirit brings His Resurrection Power upon us and God’s Grace, Presence, and Peace come through that place of death to self.

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I’ve heard so many teachings on deliverance lately that are either completely off or, just frankly speaking, don’t actually work. Part of the reason that they don’t work is that sometimes people are trying to cast out demonic spirits when there aren’t any present.

Don’t misunderstand me, we are in a very real spiritual battle, and there are demonic spirits as well as demonic strongholds. Still, often times the carnal nature is mistaken for the demonic. While the demonic realm will be attracted to the works of the flesh, attempting to cast out the carnal nature just simply doesn’t work.

“Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one. But every person is tempted WHEN HE IS DRAWN AWAY, ENTICED AND BAITED BY HIS OWN EVIL DESIRE (lust, passions). Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.” James 1:13-15

Jesus Christ gave us a remedy for dealing with the carnal nature, but that remedy wasn’t to cast it out. IT WAS TO DIE TO IT, to nail it to the Cross and allow the Holy Spirit to come and quicken you back to life by His Resurrection Power!

“And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.” Galatians 5:24

The Cross that Jesus Christ told us (as disciples) to carry is our remedy for the sin nature that attempts to rise up within us and overtake us.

Even Paul the Apostle declared,
“[I assure you] by the pride which I have in you in [your fellowship and union with] Christ Jesus our Lord, THAT I DIE DAILY [I face death every day and die to self].” 1 Corinthians 15:31

While the Letter of the Law is a death sentence for us because of sin, the Holy Spirit then brings His Resurrection Power upon us and God’s Grace, Presence, and Peace come through that place of death to self.

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, BUT IS OF THE WORLD.” 1 John 2:16

This, along with the description of the works of the flesh listed in Galatians (Galatians 5:19-21) don’t need to be cast out. They need to be Crucified. While it is true that these things are carnal, this is what attracts the demonic realm to us, and then they begin to feed off of that carnality.

“And the Lord God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all [domestic] animals and above every [wild] living thing of the field; upon your belly you shall go, AND YOU SHALL EAT DUST [and what it contains] ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.” Genesis 3:14

The demonic feed off of the “DUST,” which is the carnal nature of man, because the flesh is made of dust and will eventually return to it (Genesis 3:19). So if you want to starve the demonic realm out of your life, learn how to apply the Cross, properly, and watch as the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you afterward.

Jesus Christ said, “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, AND HATH NOTHING IN ME.” John 14:30

I want to be like Jesus Christ and not allow the devil to find anything in me. How about you?


Featured Image by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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