The Face of Christ

Today, we have a devotional brought by Pastor Daniel where he speaks on the face of christ and the character that we should model.

If we will maintain that humble attitude that Christ had, in due time He will lift us up. Be blessed Hope Church family and keep following us on social media to stay up to date on all things happening here at Hope Church.

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Hope Church

Spartanburg, South Carolina  |  Simpsonville, South Carolina

July 16, 2020




Today, we have a devotional brought by Pastor Daniel where he speaks on the face of Christ and the character that we should model. If we will maintain that humble attitude that Christ had, in due time He will lift us up. Be blessed Hope Church family and keep following us on social media to stay up to date on all things happening here at Hope Church.

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About the Author

Hope Church is a Spirit-filled, non-denominational and multi-ethnic church dedicated to serving the communities of South Carolina.

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