ROYAL CITY CHURCH: Transform Your Life – Find Your Purpose and Destiny | Pastor Andrew Carter

Whether you’re facing hardship, seeking purpose, or simply wanting to understand your identity in Christ, this sermon will give you biblical insights and practical encouragement to walk confidently in who God has called you to be.

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In this powerful message, Pastor Andrew dives into 1 Peter 2 and explores what it means to be called out of darkness and into God’s marvelous light. As believers, we are not just forgiven—we are chosen, set apart, and built into a spiritual house.

Whether you’re facing hardship, seeking purpose, or simply wanting to understand your identity in Christ, this sermon will give you biblical insights and practical encouragement to walk confidently in who God has called you to be.

📖 Scripture: 1 Peter 2 📖

1. Living Stones: Building on Christ the Cornerstone (Focus on verses 4-6, where believers are called living stones being built into a spiritual house).

2. Chosen People, Holy Calling (Based on verses 9-10, emphasizing the identity of believers as a chosen race, royal priesthood, and a people belonging to God.

3. Set Apart for a Purpose (Highlights the call to holiness and being set apart from the world in verses 11-12).

4. Submission and Suffering: The Path to Glory (Centered on verses 13-25, discussing the theme of submission to authority and suffering for doing good).

5. A New Identity in Christ: From Darkness to Light (Emphasizing verses 9-10 and the transformative power of being called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light).

6. Strangers in a Foreign Land: Living as Exiles (Focus on verses 11-12, where believers are described as sojourners and exiles, called to live honorable lives in the world).

7. Enduring Injustice Like Christ (Based on verses 19-25, exploring how Jesus’ example of suffering can guide Christians in dealing with unfair treatment).

8. Built for God’s Glory (Reflecting on the image of believers being built into a spiritual house for God’s glory (verses 4-6).

9. Freedom in Christ: Serving with a Purpose (Drawing from verses 16-17, discussing how Christians are free but called to use their freedom to serve others).

10. The Power of a Holy Life (Focus on verses 11-12, where living a holy life is a witness to the world and glorifies God).


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About the Author

Royal City Church is a community that believes in Jesus, loves people, and helps the lost find a home in God. Our never-ending mission is to lead people to Christ and save souls. Everyone is welcomed at Royal City Church. Andrew F Carter Ministries is a community that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Pastor Andrew guest speaks at churches, events, youth camps, conferences, and summits as part of our never-ending mission to lead people to God.

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