Acceleration of God’s Promises and the Redeeming of Your Time

Many that felt as if they’ve wasted too many years wandering around are receiving a renewed focus in this season.

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So many of us today suffer from extreme regrets because of decisions we’ve made in the past. Choices that we’ve made that seemed (at the time) to be the correct direction to go in, but years later, looking back, we came to believe were wrong paths to walk in. Often those journeys that we took looked more like distractions or misalignments, so we develop regrets that continue to make us look backward instead of forward.

For many of us now, God is cutting the cords to our past. All of the things that seemed to be holding us back are being removed so that we are able to run the race that God has placed ahead of us. There’s a redemption of the Time happening for many who suffer from years of regret as well, as the Holy Spirit rips the rearview mirrors off of many of our lives for good!

God is breaking off the depression from many and causing them to experience incredible acceleration in the days ahead in the Spirit realm as well as the Natural one. Things that have taken years for some of us to receive in the past are taking only months or weeks for many now. Knowledge has increased as we get closer and closer to the Lord Jesus’s return. Many that felt as if they’ve wasted too many years wandering around are receiving a renewed focus in this season.

THE LORD IS RESTORING THE YEARS THAT THE LOCUST HAS EATEN! The enemy sought to take all your time, your harvest, and your Destiny in an attempt to destroy it or strip it of its power for the kingdom of God. But Little did he know that God was going to take all those experiences (the good and the bad) and use them for His purposes in your life right now! 

EVERYTHING THAT THE ENEMY HAS MEANT FOR EVIL AGAINST YOU, GOD IS GOING TO USE TO PROMOTE YOU! The regrets are going to melt away, and God will launch you forward into the Destiny He has for your life if you don’t faint or give up! Greater is He that is in you! 


Featured Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!