A Word to the Seven Mountains

Watch, as My Seven Spirit Winds blow forth upon The Seven Mountains to transform and reform in the days ahead,” says God.

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I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch, for I will have The Nations of the earth stand naked before Me!

Yes, naked! And fully exposed, The Nations of the earth shall stand before My Holy Presence.

Watch, for the mighty Winds of The Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits shall blow forth upon The Seven Mountains.

From the north, south, east and west the Winds of My Seven Spirits shall blow forth upon The Seven Mountains to strip, to scatter, to scorch, to sift, to separate, and to shift!

Listen! For I say to The Mountain of Government and to The Military, I shall strip off your filthy and stinking garments of corruption and perversion, and I shall suddenly remove you from your self-appointed positions of authority and power, and your bodies will be struck with illness and infirmity and your minds will be tormented day and night, and like madmen, you shall be driven out into the fields to eat grass like cows, and your shining medals of honor that have been given to you through lies and falsehoods shall be removed and revoked.

And to The Mountain of Media, you shall be brought down low, lower than all the other mountains.

Watch, for your lying tongues shall be cut out of your mouths and your spoken words of death and demonic decrees shall now be fully established and a cloud of destruction shall darken your pathway and your eyes shall become blind causing your feet to stumble into a pit of despair.

And to The Mountain of Religion, have I not said that Judgement starts in The House of The LORD?

Watch as My Seven Spirit Winds blows forth to sift the wheat from the chaff, to expose and reveal the wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, and to separate the goats from the sheep.

For your money tables will be overturned and your works of deception and witchcraft will be uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of men, and you workers of iniquity who have darkened counsel and set your faces against My Truth and My knowledge, you shall be swiftly and severely dealt with.

And to you who are stiff-necked and rebellious, you shall be broken to pieces by My Righteous Right Hand.

Watch! For I will cleanse by The Waters of My Spirit, and Purify by The Fires of My Glory!

And to The Mountain of Family, you shall see The Whirlwind of The Spirit of Elijah coming to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the hearts of the children back to the fathers.

Watch, as the return of the long-lost prodigals begins to take place in the season ahead.

I say watch, as My Seven Spirit Winds blows upon The Mountain of Family to bring forth Restoration and Restitution to broken marriages, and to homes that have been torn apart and destroyed by the hand of the devourer.

For that which the enemy stole on this Mountain, shall be fully redeemed and recovered.

And to The Mountain of Education, who do you think you are? Your arrogance and your pride have come up before Me as a stench in My Nostrils.

Have I not said ‘Woe’ to anyone who causes the little ones who believe in Me to stumble, for it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea?

Watch as My Seven Spirit Winds blows forth upon this Mountain to scatter the scoffers and the mockers who have taken My Word and replaced it with a woke Antichrist theology that teaches that there are many paths that lead to God and many roads that lead to Life and Light.

Watch, as My Seven Spirit Whirlwind comes to uproot and tear down your demonic ideologies and satanic man-made institutions that have sought to brainwash the innocent and the vulnerable in the midst of you.

Watch, as I raise up radical Kingdom Reformers on The Mountain of Education, who will ignite a Revolution for Truth and Justice that will impact and influence a new generation for Kingdom Advancement in The Nations of the earth.

And to The Mountain of Business, watch as the hot winds of My Spirit blows forth upon the landscape of this Mountain to burn and to scorch, to Reconstruct and to Rebuild, for that which has been built by the hands of man on a foundation of greed, lust and pride shall be demolished.

Yes! Watch! For My Seven Spirit Winds shall blow upon your stock markets and exchanges and that which once brought economic and financial stability to many Nations shall suddenly come crashing down.

Watch for the Fiery Winds of My Spirit shall come to Purge and to Purify! Yes — to burn the wood, hay, and stubble… For Gold, pure Gold, shall come forth from The Fires of Purification and become the new currency on The Mountain of Business and Finance.

And to The Mountain of Entertainment and The Arts — I say to you — Watch as the spotlight of My Glory shines upon you to fully expose the works of wickedness and darkness that covers you like a thick blanket.

For you have taken the knee to false idols and to the gods of your imagination and you have eaten the fruits of perversion and deception.

But watch! For I shall turn your stadiums into Altars of Awakening and Revival for an end-time harvest of souls, and you shall see and hear a new sound rising up within the Music Industry that shall break open Heavenly Portals and Gateways over Regions and Territories that will awaken Nations to their true identity and Kingdom Destiny.

Watch, as My Seven Spirit Winds blow forth upon this Mountain to bring supernatural healings; the workings of great miracles, and signs and wonders through The Power of Light, Sound, and Divine Creativity.

Watch, as My Seven Spirit Winds blow forth upon The Seven Mountains to transform and reform in the days ahead,” says God.




Featured Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay


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About the Author

Veronika West is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Ignite Ireland Ministry.