A Prayer to Know God and Be Obedient to Him

This prayer seeks to know God but also accepts His commandments and Lordship. Pray this prayer with me. Trust God for the enablement to live obediently.

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True love for Jesus is demonstrated by obedience. John is clear about this, and as we’re praying through 1 John, we must deal with this reality head-on. This prayer seeks to know God but also accepts His commandments and Lordship. Pray this prayer with me. Trust God for the enablement to live obediently.



Father, let me live like Jesus did – keeping every commandment. I long to know You deeply, personally, and passionately. I also desire to demonstrate the evidence that I know You, and that evidence is obedience. By Your grace, I will demonstrate obedience. Complete and perfect is my love for You. Give me a burning love that produces a passionate surrender to Your Lordship. I pray this in the name of Jesus, the surrendered One.


1 JOHN 2:3-6, NIV

We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know Him,” but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.


Adam and Eve turned the world upside down. Jesus came to show us how to turn it right side up by bringing the kingdom to our life. My book Crazy Kingdom teaches people how to practically put things right in their lives. These principles come directly from Jesus. Be sure to buy a copy today! You can get a copy at Amazon.com or from my website.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on royalperspectives.com

Featured Image by Hanny Naibaho

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About the Author

Cameron King had a radical encounter with God as a teenager, and has since devoted a large portion of his life to prayer and worship. This desire to be intimate with God birthed a love for the prophetic and healing ministry. For years, Cameron has trained people to hear from God, and he helps activate the supernatural gifts of the Spirit in the lives of believers. His mission is to help serious disciples develop intimacy with God, move in power, and live principle-centered lives. Cameron is the lead pastor of Newsong Church, a thriving congregation that is passionate in worship, active in spiritual gifts, and is on the cutting edge of seeking a spirit-filled outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the East side of Atlanta. He and his wife, Rachel, live in the Monroe area with their four daughters, Abby, Alena, Maddie Grace, and Eliana.

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