A Place of Grace in Charleston South Carolina

Grace Place Ministries is a strategic seed that is positioned to bring new life to an area that is defined by growth (and funny names).

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Ravenel is the city you are likely to hit just before you reach Jericho and Hollywood if you’re leaving from Charleston. Honest. Rural South Carolina is peppered with towns that hold funny names and swathes of rich land. Charleston native Tracy Hugie has felt a calling to grow a new ministry on a plot of land in Ravenel, South Carolina that serves the local population with both physical and spiritual food. Grace Place Ministries is a strategic seed that is positioned to bring new life to an area that is defined by growth (and funny names).

  1.       How did Grace Place come to be?

Grace Place came to be out of my desire to obey God and serve Him wholeheartedly. I answered the call to go into full-time ministry about four years ago, and this is the result.

  1.       What is GP (nonprofit, ministry, etc.) and how are you currently impacting the Charleston community?

Grace Place Ministries is a non-profit organization registered with the Governor’s office. We also have an outreach program that is 501(c)3 non-profit status. We are currently impacting the Charleston community by specifically serving the Hollywood/Ravenel area. We have a food bank that serves about 200 people per month, and we minister to many people in various capacities. We are involved in a mentorship program for youth and are in the process of getting a job skills program off the ground to train individuals with tainted backgrounds in the areas of painting, carpentry, and landscaping to help them gain meaningful employment.

  1.       As an organization based in Charleston, what do you see as the biggest need in this community?

I see the biggest need is racial reconciliation. I was born and raised here, and there is always this looming sense of old south in the air. We see it evident in politics, business, schools, and even church.

  1.       What do you envision GP growing to be?

I envision Grace Place growing to be a place where unbelievers don’t mind attending. Where those that have had negative experiences with church feel safe in returning. And where those that want to serve feel good about serving. Just an overall safe place where people can come and experience the tangible presence of God. A beacon of light in this area of Charleston.

  1.       What is the meaning of the power green and purple combo?

The power of the color green is that it is the universal color for new beginnings and new life; Ephesians 2:4-5. The power of the color purple represents the majesty and authority of the Godhead. The power that can save sinners, set men free, and bring total restoration by grace through faith; Romans 1:16.

  1.       How can we help Grace Place grow?

You can help us by first praying for us that we will be faithful to this assignment and that we will seize every opportunity to help someone take one step closer to Christ. Spreading the word that we meet at 4246 Savannah Hwy in Ravenel, SC is always helpful in connecting more people to this God-vision so that we can continue to grow into a life-giving church. Finally, you can help us by giving to this ministry monetarily to help us feed and clothe those in need. We want to be able to sustain a place for those who are far from Christ to come learn more about His grace. We can be contacted at [email protected], on Facebook, or by our website www.mygpm.org. Thank you for your prayers and support!



Featured Image by Zoltan Tasi

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Coleman wants to change the world. Currently in his junior year as a Communication and Arts Management double major at the College of Charleston, his love for the city has soared to romantic heights, while yet considering Spartanburg, SC his home. In addition to writing, Coleman's days typically consist of dancing and singing in all sorts of places, including with the College of Charleston Gospel Choir and the Chucktown Trippintones - a CofC acapella group. Additionally, he enjoys growing with the local music and arts scene through several projects, primarily a video interview series entitled Charlestown Sounds, and the Charlestown Sounds Music Festival. As a next step on his journey of learning how to make a positive impact on the world, he is currently on a European adventure as an exchange student in the Netherlands for one semester.

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