They say hindsight is 20/20, and this is especially true when we look back to see how God connects and leads our lives. While we are in the moment, we have a range of activity and challenges that make it difficult to see the big picture of what God is doing. Many times, when Cam and I have followed what we felt was a word of God, we had a few ideas of why He was calling us to places or people, but hidden in the wisdom of God was much more than we could have expected.
As an example, I will recount just one thread of our lives where we said yes to God.
It started a little before July 4th around 2012. We were feeling God wanted us to Spain, but felt Mexico would be a better place to learn Spanish. We were currently in Hawaii staffing with YWAM. We decided to attend a July 4th party and met a girl named Kenia. Kenia, it turns out, was a daughter of missionaries in Mexico and said they have a connection to a language school in Guadalajara. After being connected to The Matthew Training Center (MTC) directors, Joan and Trever, they helped us organize our language learning for three months in Mexico. Little did we know Joan and Trever would become amazing sources of wisdom for our lives to this day.
To better facilitate language learning, we lived with a local Mexican family. While there, we met our neighbors, the Rodal family. We had an instant connection and shared many of Abuelita’s (literally “Little Grandma”) meals as we stumbled through communicating through broken Spanish and English.
Rogelio is the oldest in the Rodal family, and he is still a good friend of ours. In fact, we ended up attending the same 6-month program at the Matthew Training Center a few years later. During the program, we met one of the speakers named Erick who spoke about Justice. Erick has become one of my good friends, and we continue to work together on various web projects.
While living with our Mexican family, we met some missionaries who were about our age, James and Alyssa. We hung out a lot (partly because we needed to English-word-vomit after all the Spanish study!). To this day, Camille talks to Alyssa almost daily.
We also had the most incredible Spanish teacher Tere. She was so good that we decided to take our small team back to Mexico the next year so they could benefit. As we arrived back in Mexico, we stayed with Joan and Trever on their new MTC property and met a guy named Edward. We had an instant connection, and it turns out we both lived in South Carolina. He has become one of my best friends, and we now run a Bible/prayer night a few times a month together here in Greenville.
From one thread, one yes to God, we found lifelong friends, spiritual mentors, language learning, and further connections for future endeavors with God. There are so many more connections and friendships that we didn’t mention (and may not recognize till later when God weaves it together)! —and we thought we were going to Mexico just to learn Spanish! (haha)
May this encourage you as you step out to hear God that you would be filled with hope that there is a much greater and richer experience than you can ever imagine.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on
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