The Kind of Person I Want To Be

There is a reason God has me around each day.

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Every morning my grandma wakes up and says, “Lord, what can I do for you today?” That’s what she told me.

That may seem nice. Not all that unremarkable for some people. Except, my grandma is 86. She lives in a retirement home. She’s gone through the death of my grandfather, breast cancer, a partial mastectomy, and stage 4 skin cancer.

Today, she is cancer-free and in fantastic health. She still drives (not at night). She still serves. She still loves.

She has become a hero to me. I see this amazing woman. A humble, humble servant of God who looks for ways that she can pick up prescriptions from fellow residents who don’t drive. Who looks for little ways every day that she can still serve and help others.

She says she’s getting to be an old lady – yet God has blessed her. She knows it. And she seeks to give back to Him each day because she says there must be a reason and a purpose that she is still around.

I am blessed to have a woman like that in my family. In my life.  It humbles me. It encourages and motivates me to adjust my own attitude and outlook.

I am given each day. God sustains me through the night. I am blessed. Sure, I go through hard things – but there is a reason He has me around each day.

May I wake up each morning, as my grandma does, and say – “Lord, what can I do for you today?” and place the focus of my life in the right place where it belongs.  If I can do one thing…just ONE THING every day for my God – I think I’ll be on the right track of living truly for Him and not myself.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Beauty in the Storm

Featured Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay

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About the Author

Freelance writer/blogger at Dionna is Director of Communications for National Marriage Week, and the Marriage Initiative. She is a proud wife, mom, grandma, and most of all - child of God.

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