2nd Question Jesus Asks (From the Gospel of John)

By personally considering each of His questions, we face His probing truth.
By responding truthfully, may we be drawn into a more intimate walk with Him.

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If Jesus sat down with us for some one-on-one time, what would we ask Him? More importantly, how would we respond to His questions? (Link to 1st question)

Knowing He is omniscient God, the Living Word of God [John 1:1-3] who knows the “thoughts and intents of the heart” [Hebrews 4:12], compels us to answer honestly and fully. No hiding, deflecting, or excusing. Just honest answers.

John’s Gospel records several questions Jesus asked in His earthly ministry. By personally considering each of His questions, we face His same probing truth. By responding truthfully, may we be drawn into a more intimate walk with Him.


2nd Question – What Does Your Concern Have to do With Me?

The first sign of Jesus’ earthly ministry involved a wedding—the last, a funeral. The first involved the joy of a brand-new union and bright future. The last, the sadness of inevitable separation. He is well acquainted with our sorrows and griefs [Isaiah 53:3] and fully sympathizes with every human experience [Hebrews 4:12].

In the first miraculous interaction, Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding. Mary was there in some capacity—her actions and concerns point to possibly being what we would today call the wedding coordinator.

Everything was perfect—until the crisis. They ran out of wine.

If Mary was the wedding coordinator, this would obviously not reflect well on her. Running out of wine meant she either didn’t plan well or invited too many people. Facing the dilemma of her problem, social shame, and family dishonor, she brought the catastrophe to Jesus’ attention.

When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” [John 2:3-4, bold text added]

Naturally, she would discuss matters with her son. He could provide possible solutions. But I wonder if a part of Mary recalled her conversation with the angel Gabriel about Who her son was. Maybe, in the face of a personal crisis, she would prompt Jesus to get her out of her predicament.

By replying with “Woman” instead of “Mother,” Jesus didn’t imply any disrespect. He was identifying a new relationship. Although the human relationship still existed, Mary needed to understand Jesus was no longer just her child to command. He is Creator of the universe, with a specific earthly mission and an appointed time for every action. Persuading Him to help with her agenda was no longer appropriate.



Mary’s humbled, surrendered response reveals her tender, understanding heart. She told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” [John 2:5]. She made known her request to Him, then trusted His response through surrendered service.

How often we bring ideas, opinions, and agendas to Jesus and ask Him to bless them. Or to fix the problems they create. Yet, His question remains: “What does your agenda have to do with Me?” In essence, He questions whether we are pursuing what we want to happen or surrendering everything to God’s sovereign orchestration?

I pray we yield our wills and desires to His perfect will.


(Link to 1st Question)



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Nate Stevens

Featured Image by Monica Silva on Unsplash


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About the Author

A lifelong student of Scripture, Nate Stevens has also enjoyed a banking career in a variety of leadership roles. He is the author of Matched 4 Life and Deck Time with Jesus as well as a contributing author on several of the Moments Books (Billy Graham Moments, Divine Moments, Spoken Moments, Christmas Moments, Stupid Moments, Cool-inary Moments, etc.). He writes online devotionals for ChristianDevotions.us and SingleMatters.com as well as articles for several other publications. Additionally, he leads Fusion, a Christian singles ministry he co-founded. A popular speaker and teacher at conferences, seminars and Bible study groups, he speaks on a wide variety of topics. He currently lives near Charlotte, North Carolina, with his beautiful wife, Karen, and is a proud dad of two awesome kids, Melissa and Mitchell.